Compliance declaration

KGHM is a professional and a trustworthy business partner. The company cooperates only with contractors who follow current regulations and respect human rights on a global scale.

Ethical standards and the procurement process

In the procurement process, the company abides by high ethical standards. Contractor selection principles which are transparent and identical for all bidders have been included in the Code of Ethics. The main message of the Code of Ethics is assurance of professionalism and honesty of persons responsible for the implementation of procurement processes. This document also refers to such aspects as prevention of the conflict of interest and equal treatment of suppliers that does not hinder the principles of free competition. The goal of KGHM is to develop awareness about the need to prevent unfair market practices. For this reason, among others, the company invests in educational activities.

Procurement policy and supply chain practices

The procurement principles practiced by KGHM are specifically defined in the adopted Procurement Policy, and the contractor selection process is in line with the principle of equal treatment of business partners. 

KGHM's production facilities have implemented the ISO 14001 system for environmental management, which testifies to the fact that its operations are safe both for employees as well as the environment.  

The company conducts audits of suppliers and reviews their activities regarding respect for human rights and underage employees. 

Currently, KGHM is developing a separate code of conduct for suppliers that will regulate all key issues connected with cooperation and CSR.